The Japanese have long been known for their clean, natural, and holistic approach to beauty. One of the most popular Japanese skincare techniques is called "layering". In this article, I will explain what this routine is and how you can integrate it into your own skincare routine.
What is Japanese Layering?
It's a multi-step approach that focuses on cleansing, hydrating and nourishing the skin. It's an amazing way to deeply hydrate and nourish your skin as you are going to apply several layers of lightweight products. You will start from the thinnest and building up to the thickest.
What are the benefits of Layering?
It is the PILLAR to achieve a healthy, glowing complexion without using and relying on harsh chemicals. I will share my top best natural ingredients/products that are affordable and work as a base for every skin type. Then you can customise your routine to target your unique needs and achieve the best possible results. This is why I love this technique.
Okay, so now you are ready to try?
How to do the Japanese Layering?
Step 1: Cleanse - Oil
This is the most important part of your routine and you CAN'T skip it. Gently, remove any makeup, sweat, pollution... by cleansing your face.
I love to use natural oil to remove all make-up. Use your hands or some reusable cotton. Yes it is messy but it is so satisfying, great for your skin and the environment. Not convince? Try it out. Look for some organic sweet almond oil.
Step 2: Cleanse - Soap
Yes we are cleaning again, now remove the oil and any make-up with an all natural and/or organic soap. Foam all around your face by doing gentle circular massage. Rinse well until you do not have any make up anymore. Gently dry your face with a clean towel.
Step 3: Hydration - Toner
This step is going to hydrate your skin and balance your pH levels. It will help prepare your skin to enhance the other layers. Apply 20cm from the skin until you have like raindrops on your face. You can massage your face and then take the excess with a towel or tissue.
I love to use: Rose Water, Lavender or Orange Blossom hydrosol.
Step 4: Hydration - Serum
Next, apply a serum to your skin to provide deep hydration and nourishment. Serum are lightweight, watery products that contain active ingredients like hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, aloe vera. The first and main ingredient should be water or hydrosol. Serum containing oil for the first ingredient should be used later in the routine.
Step 5: Nutrition - Moisturiser
After your serum has absorbed into your skin, apply your moisturiser or oil to nourish your skin and provide a protective barrier against environmental stressors. Look for a moisturiser that is organic with few natural ingredients and adapted to your skin type. Some great oils to nourish your skin are avocado oil, sweet almond oil, jojoba oil to name just a few.
That's it! 5 steps for a glowing skin. The Japanese layering skincare routine is a simple yet effective approach to clean and natural beauty. Remember, to keep those steps in this order so you can nourish and hydrate your skin from the inside out. Let me know if you try it out.
N.M xx